Thursday, August 30, 2012

#483- Simple Recipe, Good Food!

I love simple, few step recipes! They are always Extra, Extra good! I'll try to put good recipes on this blog, but if you really want scrumptious recipes visit!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

#484- When A Friend Tells You How Much You Mean To Them

 Yes... yes... yes........ I love this little thing!!! Has this ever happened to you because it has to me! And I love the warm feeling you get! Special Thanks To Amanda Miller and Hallie Gosch

Friday, August 24, 2012

#485- When You Get "Surprises" in Your Pockets

You know that FANTASTIC moment when you  put on your "lucky jeans" and you find a prize in the pockets? Especially if it's money and you really, really needed it at that time! Like you just needed one more dollar to pay for your soda and WHAM! Out pops a dollar from your pocket! Then you think to yourself.... wow I must be able to tell the future!! I'm a genius to put this dollar in my pocket and then forget about it!! Special thanks to Aubrie Cardon!!!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

#486- Glue and Tape

YES!! GLUE AND TAPE! It's actually a huge thing!!!!!! Glue and Tape.... We've used those things since preschool! They're probably the most helpful things ever!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

#487- A Giant Glass Of Cold Water

I don't know about all my viewers out there, but I for one I LOVE WATER!!! Especially those days when you are just dying of thirst! So you don't have to agree with me, but I sure agree with Savanna when she says a giant glass of water is the best! Special Thanks to Savanna Moody!!

#488- When your Favorite Song is on the Radio

The radio isn't exactly the best thing ever.... Or at least in my opinion because whenever you turn on the radio there's always a TON of commercials! Some of them don't even make sense!!! However there is always that FANTASTIC time when you hear your favorite song and you crank up the volume, roll down the windows, and ROCK OUT!!!! Special Thanks to Amanda Miller!

#489- Seeing Your Best Friend Somewhere Unexpected

FOR SURE a little thing.... but don't you think it's a good little thing? It's like your just walking around Walmart or something and you go around the corner and you run into your best friend!! Special Thanks to Amanda Miller for her Comments!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

#490- Fresh Baked Bread

Special Thanks to Danielle Rasmussen for the recipe!!
(Sorry for the recipe change this is for basic mixers not just Bosh It will be more helpful)

Welllll..... Let's be honest.... Store bought bread is NOTHING compared to your own, homemade bread. This is sooooooooo delicious!!!!! Wanna know the best part?? This bread and grandma's strawberry jam.... YUMMMY!!!!! Anyway if you have the appliances for it you should defiantly try it!!

Homemade Whole Wheat Bread

3 cups hot tap water
1/3 cup oil
1/3 cup honey
1 T salt
2 T Kitchen Specialties Vital Gluten
1 T Kitchen Specialties Dough Enhancer
2 T SAF instant yeast
7-8 cups freshly milled whole wheat flour
Pour all ingredients into Bosch Compact mixer bowl. Turn mixer to speed 2 and allow to knead for 8-10 minutes, adding additional flour or water if needed.(The Compact Bosch makes better bread if all ingredients are add at the first) Shape into 2-3 loaves and let rise until doubled. Bake at 350E for 30-35 minutes. 

In the Bosch mixing bowl, combine water, oil, honey and lecithin (optional). Next add 4 cups of freshly ground wheat flour. On top of the flour, add Vital Wheat Gluten, Dough Enhancer and SAF instant yeast. “Jog” off and on using the “M’ side of the switch so that flour won’t rise out of the mixing bowl. Then mix on first speed until smooth. Then add the additional freshly milled whole wheat flour. Add it slowly as to not over flour. Stopping periodically to test it (we add the flour until the dough doesn’t stick to your floured finger when you “tap” it lightly) The amount of flour you add will depend on the moisture and protein levels in your wheat. Look for spots on the walls of the bowl that are clear of dough momentarily. You might stop the mixer and tap the dough gently with your finger to see if it sticks. It shouldn’t stick to you, if it does just add a little more flour. These are some of the signs when there is enough flour added. At this point turn your mixer to speed two and mix for about 5 minutes. The dough that was stuck to the sides and the floor of the mixing bowl will completely clean off. Form dough into 3-4 loaf pans. When they are fully risen you should be able to put a small dent in the side of one of the loafs with your finger and the dent will not come back out, or it will come back very slowly. Place loaves into a cool oven (not preheated). Bake at 350E for 35 minutes.
*For first time Bosch owners we suggest you use the “sponge” method for your first few batches of bread. First, add the water, then the oil, honey and lecithin. Don’t mix. Then add 8 cups of freshly milled flour. Don’t mix. On top of the flour, add the Dough Enhancer, gluten and yeast (no salt). “Jog” in mixture using the “M” switch so that the flour doesn’t rise out of mixing bowl. Then mix on speed one until smooth. Let stand for about 10 minutes. The dough should rise to the spur gear in the middle of the bowl. This is sponging. This process allows the wheat bran to absorb the moisture, thus making the dough “dryer”, it also improves the texture. Sponging gives you a little advantage in terms of flour to water ratio, because the dough is dryer you add less flour hence the bread is lighter. Next, on speed one, add the salt and the rest of the flour as described above. Once you know how much flour you need, you may add everything at once, including all of the flour, set the timer for 5 minutes and you are finished!

There is a bigger recipe for more loaves at

#491- Bite Sized Chocolates

These chocolates are the kind that make your mouth drool and the moment you pop one in you get a sweet sensation that spreads through your entire tongue! Yes... Bite sized chocolates are defiantly one of my little things... I love the ones that come with no flavors the same. The ones that just make you want to stuff your face!!!

#492- Sleeping in

It's been a LLLOOONNNGGGG school week and you are finally home!!! That night you watch a movie until really really late. Then you go to bed. It's awesome waking up to your own rhythm! Even if it means waking up at noon!!! The feeling you get after a good sleep is THE BEST!! Don't you agree??

Friday, August 17, 2012

#493- Finishing Your Homework

The school day is done.... Your so excited to get home! Then you realize.... homework... that dreaded, rotten thing that teachers give you. Some days the homework is piled higher than a skyscraper!! But there's always that moment where your sitting there and you finally finish the very last problem... FREEDOMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

#494- Grandma's Strawberry Jam

Special Thanks to Grandma Norton for her recipe!!!
Delicious for any meal!!!! Rolls, toast and.... whatever you put your jam on!!!

Strawberry Jam
2 pints of Strawberries
4 cups of sugar
3/4 cup of water
1 cup of Pectin
Containers with a sealable lid

Wash strawberries. Then discard stems and crush in a bowl. Add the sugar. mix and then let it sit for 10 minutes. Put the water in a pot. Let it boil. Add pectin and stir constantly for 1 min exactly. Mix everything together until the sugar is no longer grainy. pour the mixture into the container, but leave 1/2 and inch from the top because the jam spread when it cools. Let it cool for 24 hours then put it in the freezer. Freezer jam lasts for 1 year

#495- A Cat and the Rain!

Don't you just love those days when your just sitting' around and your warm cat cuddles up to you, purrs, warms you up.... Then as you sit stroking the Cat you can hear a soothing drum on your roof. The rain.... So melodious!! Special Thanks to Melissa Engeseth!!!

#496- Minty Christmas'

ok you know that smell you get waking up on Christmas morning? That minty smell? The one that just makes you say... "Todays Christmas!!!" Holy Cow!!! I can smell it!!!"

Special Thanks to Amanda Miller for her comments

#497- Hot Baths

 Ok... We've all had those days! The days where you are super duper stressed out and you just need time to sit and relax... So sit in relax in a soothing bathtub!! One thing you can do is bring in your speakers and listen to your favorite songs! Try these how to make your own bath salts for a warm, relaxing ending to a stressful day!

Lavender Bath Salts!
for the stressful days

3 cups of epsom salt
2 Cups of sea salt
1 Cup of baking soda
1/2 ounce of essential or fragrance oil

Measure out the salts and mix them together well. Make sure to break any clumps. A wide stainless steel bowl works for mixing best. Then add fragrance or essential oils.

#498- Fresh Baked Banana Bread!

I love this!!! Banana Bread?! Believe it or not it is delicious! And when especially when it's fresh baked!!  You can add ingredients too!! For example, raisins, chocolate chips, nuts.... It works!! And you can bake the bread in muffin pans!! Just bake as directed!

Fresh Baked Banana Bread Recipe!
Takes up to 1 hr and 30 mins
1 stick of butter
1 Cup of sugar
2 eggs
3 bananas
1 tablespoon of banana extract
3 Cup of flour
1/2 teaspoon of salt
2 teaspoons of baking soda
1 Cup of whole wheat flour
1/3 Cup of hot water

Preheat oven at 325 degrees. Mix the butter, sugar and eggs together until all mashed. Add Bananas and banana extract. stir through. Add 2 cups of regular flour mixed with salt and baking soda. Add whole wheat flour and hot water. Add the last cup of regular flour. Put in greased loaf pan.

Let It cook 1 hour (with checking) or until it's non-doughy inside

#499- Toothpaste

Wow!! yea!!! ever thought of this?! TOOTHPASTE!!! Believe it or not this is one of my little things because i hate waking up in the morning, smacking my lips, and grossing out completely...  Sometimes it grosses me out so bad that I do what this kid did!!


#500- Warm Jackets just out of the dryer

Don't you all think so? I mean imagine this... It's snowing or raining 
outside and you are freezing! The normal hot chocolate is out of stock in your pantry... Then the very moment your about to freak out completely from cold the dryer beeps. When you look inside there is the softest, warmest, most comfortable jacket just begging and waiting for you to put it on and snuggle up!!!