Sunday, September 30, 2012

#477- Fall Time

For me Fall time is perfect. It's colorful and bright and sunny but with a cool breeze! So take this in while you can! Right now! Right this second! Walk outside, inhale, and count the blessings of Fall!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

#478- A Shoulder to Lean On

The friend thats always there. They are there for you and It makes you always want to be there for them! I love my friends and I hope they know how much I do! :) Go out there guys! Go get 'em! Try to jump to the moon, but it's ok if you don't make it because you'll always land on the stars. Your there for me so I'll be there for you! :D Special thanks to all my friends and Sela Mafi, Aubrie Cardon, Savanna Moody and Amanda Miller

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

#479- A Feeling Of Accomplishment

No matter what your doing everyone loves the feeling you get when you accomplish something, especially if originally you felt like you could never complete this task. I will add an example and you can too if you want...
Well It was another day of cross country and since our meet got rained out our team had to run a 5k. I am not a very good runner, but i had to do this anyway. When we first started out I was huffin' and puffin' and it hurt! Then I caught up with this kid who I didn't know super well. His name was Mckaffery. Mckaffery and I stayed together the entire way and we paced ourselves off of each other. Finally, we finished and it turns out that I took 10 mins off my original time!

So you CAN accomplish the impossible! Try It! And make new friends along the way!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

#480- Brave Warriors (11th anniversary of 9/11)

A tribute to our brave warriors fighting for our country! Thank you fire fighters, police men, military, navy and army! And might I say thank you!! Comment If you are grateful for their help and respect them! Hats off to the friends and family of the people of 9/11. Thank you to our country! I am proud to be an american! I won't forget the men who died and gave their life for me! God bless the USA

Sunday, September 9, 2012

#481- Friends That Are Happy No Matter What

When your having a bad day the last thing anyone needs is an attitude from your friend! I just LOVE that friend that is happy no matter what the world throws at them!!! It's fantastic! It makes you happy too! One person can really make a huge difference soooooo be thats positive friend! It's not hard! Do one of the things on this blog or recommend a little thing to me and you'll feel better and you'll also be the friend people look forward to seeing!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

#482-When You Hear a Song You Haven't Heard for a While and You Still Know the Words

Just think... Your searching around your cd case for your new favorite album and then  you find your old, favorite songs. You pop in the cd and the songs you hear start to make you sing along! I've had this happen before and I found a cd with my old favorites on it, and I popped it in and I burst out laughing!! The music I used to listen to when i was 10 was all 80's music!!!! Hahahaha! Special Thanks to Amanda Miller!